Mortar is one of the most important construction
materials. It is comparatively economical, easy to make, offers continuity and
solidity, and will bond with other materials.
= Binding materials + Inert materials (fine aggregate) + water
Mortar is a paste generally made by mixing cementing
or binding (lime or cement) and inert materials (sand or surki) with water.
There are different types of mortar:
Lime mortar (lime + sand + water),
mortar (lime + surki + water),
surki mortar (lime + sand + surki + water),
mortar (cement + sand + water).
Sand should be sharp, angular, porous and free from
salts and other impurities. Surki should be perfectly clear free from foreign
matter and sufficiently fine to pass through No. #8 sieve. Lime must be well
slaked and cement must be fresh free from adulteration. Water should be clean,
free from salts and other impurities and should be drinking water standard.
is mostly used to make joint between two bricks while brick works, in concrete
as a matrix, in pasting works to hide the joints and to improve appearance to
plaster and other finishing works.
The main objective is to study on the strength
of mortar with duration, using different types of fine aggregate (usually sand)
and keeping w/c ratio and cement are fixed.