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Obesity? Want to reduce Weight ??

Obesity is a health condition in which extra fat is accumulated to the extent that it may have an bad impact on health and  increase health problems. If a woman with a waist measurement more than 35 inches, or a man with a waist measurement more than 40 inches will be considered as obesity.
Obesity increases heart disease, diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis. Obesity is mostly happened by excessive food energy intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility. 

The treatment for reducing obesity is mostly Dieting and physical exercise. Very often people think that if they skip one or two meal a day, the lessen in meal will less their over weight. But it is completely a wrong thinking. Experts always suggest that starving does not help you to reduce weight. If you want to reduce your weight you must not skip your meals. Always keep in mind that you should not keep your stomach empty for more than five hours.

The food items which you should avoid are soda, pasta, commercial cereals, cookies, cakes, pies, crackers and desserts from your diet. Restaurant food is high in fat and calories, so it should be eliminated. You should add row vegetables, fruits, chicken, soy crumbles and tuna to your diet.

Start to plan an exercise program. Get something active that you can enjoy, and perform at least 30 minutes per day, five days per week. You can take up running, go swimming or dance.
Maintain proper sleep and avoid smoking. Average 7 hours sleep a day is properly considered. Eat 5 small meals a day including snacks. Drink lots of green tea and drink only one cup of coffee a day. Write a food diary every day to stay on track.  Most of all, Feel good about who you are, as you are.