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Physical Characteristics of the Deep Sea

Physical Characteristics of the Deep Sea

Deep sea 200 meters below where sunlight is inappropriate for photosynthesis begins . From about 1,000 meters , mesopelagic zone or "Twilight " sunlight continued to decrease until it is completely gone . All other colors of light are absorbed in depth , because the weak light, the color , the blue deep . Ocean waters deeper than 1,000 m below the sun is black as night concerned . And yet , there is some light . Deeply ( with lights ) are frequently immersed in a submerged , floating , rotating , zooming flashes of light " Light Show " was fascinated by the experience . This bioluminescence, the light generates heat , and the chemical reaction is very common is a microbe or animal body . And yet , this light is less than sunlight , so the animals - such as the mesopelagic zone - needs special sensory adaptations . Capture what little light there is such great legs as stout blacksmelt many species of deep-sea fish . Tripodfishes like other animals , including the blind and enhanced flavor instead of the other senses , trust , touch and vibración.Los scientists bioluminescence six different functions ( not used any kind of ) that believe : Lighthouses , such as lantern fish (photophores called ) in light of the experience forward ; rape pendants " fishing lures" to lure their victims are curious as decoys;; counterillumination to attract a mate social cues such as the unique light patterns which rows of photophores of mesopelagic fish stomach ( by predatory fish them disappear down ) from the blue to match the weak sunlight lighting products ; predators or prey to confusion , as well as some squid stun their prey , and to divert the attention of the decoys as bright flashes emitted by the glowing green spots worms green bombers , and " burglar alarm " which exposed her to an animal being attacked as a big forward Predator ( " police " ) to ( " thief " ) and see the thief goes after her . Some swimmers even coat holoturias their attackers with sticky mucus so " police " the most bioluminescence glowing blue or blue- hunters can find many minutes - . Green , who traveled far into the water because of the colors . It 's the color of sunshine on the depth disappears, because the animals have lost the ability to see the red light . But some creatures like the dragon fish , have evolved the ability to produce red light . In this light , dragon fish, it is not even know they're drunk, you have a secret to shine light on the dam " sniper " you can see !

Given the volume of water in the deepest parts of the ocean , it is the most important environmental factors affecting the hydrostatic pressure of the sea life is amazing . Pressure increases 1 atmosphere for every 10 meters deep ( ATM ) . Deep- sea depth of about 11,000 meters from 200 meters varies Therefore , the pressure varies from 20 to more than 1100 ATM . High pressure will be crushed , because of air pockets as the fish swim bladders , but many can not compress water itself . Instead , the high- pressure complex biomolecules distorts - the membranes and proteins - which all life depends on . In fact , many food companies are now using high pressure to sterilize their product as packaged meats . Lives in two ways to address the effects of pressure on biomolecules seem . First , the membrane protein structures are still not fully understood, the mechanisms by which stress- resistant , but their biomolecules does not work well in shallow water at low pressure . Second , some companies ( for the pressure "piezin" from the Greek ) "piezolytes" can be used . Somehow the pressure of large biomolecules to avoid distorting the newly discovered small organic molecules . One piezolytes trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) is . It gives rise to the smell of fish, marine fish and shrimp , because these molecules are known to most people . TMAO shallow marine fish and shrimp that people routinely eat in the lower level , but TMAO levels consistent with the increase in depth and the other species is the pressure . More people now smells of fish fisheries fishing deep with some Grenadiers ! Animals deep-sea fishing , gas ( high pressure -filled swim bladder adapted to tolerate some ( but not most ) cases , sunken nets and boxes of samples usually die from great depths to the surface ) Mortal size expands . However , the majority of life on the high seas, the air bag does not expand as the pressure falls during recovery . Biomolecules , it seems to be too much for the offshore life , because instead , it does not work well in their biomolecules , because of the rapid pressure and temperature changes kill ( not the high seems OTMA ) work surface . DEEPWATER technology advances, the study of scientists to reach the surface pressure in the chamber is allowed to collect samples of the species . Pressure adapted microbes recovered from the trenches up to 11,000 meters , and these adaptations ( biomolecules piezolytes resistant pressure ) have been found in the laboratory . However , studies in animals to adapt to the stress of just over 5000 meters . Adjustments greater depths up to 11,000 m working in those depths , if we do not know .

Except in polar waters , euphotic or sunlit , surface waters around the area and the temperature difference can be dramatic, because the thermocline, or the separation of layers of water of different temperatures . In the tropics , for example , 20 ° C- cold water in the hot water depths thick a layer above the floats. In most of the deep sea , the water temperature is more uniform and constant . Hydrothermal vents , where hot water flowed into shallow water , without the community , the deeper waters of the sea water temperature is not constant , but from about -1 ° 4 in C remains deep ( Note that , because of the salt sea water freezes at -1,8 ° he thousand ) . Will simply float to the surface , as if frozen in ice , somehow ! Life in the pit in the surface of the polar seas and marine life in the same way as that seems to adapt to the severe cold . This " loose " flexible protein and unsaturated membranes are not cold hardy . Membranes made ​​with fat and good work will be somewhat flexible , so you can be in your kitchen is familiar with this combination . An unsaturated fats - olive oil , semi solid and have a good flexible membrane , the Amazon , is a saturated fat , it is very hard on your fridge and cold to the poor membrane . However , as the pressure , there is a tradeoff : the loose and the membranes of cold -adapted organisms cleave proteins at high temperatures ( as well as olive oil, are liquid at room temperature ) .

Oxygen :
Many of the deep sea, cold , dark waters there is enough oxygen . Dissolved oxygen than cold water, hot water , and surface water because it is usually deep in the polar seas . They are dense enough to sink to the bottom of the sea in some places in the North and the South Seas , oxygen-rich water cooled . There is not enough biomass to use it because of this so-called thermohaline currents , traveling around the world cross , and you can have enough oxygen for life . However , no thermohaline currents produced by photosynthesis and intermediate regions where there is no oxygen in the oxygen -poor environment , also . 1000 m in the temperate and tropical regions - these regions , usually found at depths of 500 oxygen- minimum zone , said . Here , animals , and the result may be a drop in the water column near zero in some areas , arranged through the use of oxygen that bacteria feed on decaying food particles . Biologists are still scarce food supply because of this fascinating region, some methods have been developed to investigate how animals survive the DEEPWATER condiciones.comidaCriaturas . And deep in other organisms - microbes , algae , decomposing remains of plants and animals in the ocean - in the absence of photosynthesis , most of the diet is detritus . Detritus of this " rain " on the seabed scavengers and feed on sea cucumbers ( the most common Benthic animal depths ) , starfish ( top photo ) , and include infantry fish tail or rat . Sink to the bottom of the big animals such as whales , deep- sea animals bodies provide for a rare but huge parties and is consumed by a variety of species . Structure rising - scavengers sharks , crabs , and ( Bone Eater meaning of Osedax , ) is a newly discovered group of worms , from the inside out fast consuming , carcasses jawless fish like lampreys in the hole , which include the route of the bone marrow form !

Crazy facts about Sperm

There is a lot to know about sperm , this is in fact a lot of forest is only ten minutes . All you need to know about is not the same as sperm espermatozoides.1 : I have a perfect little fact is that many people with disabilities , we have two heads , two tails, heads, tails wave of millions of people will be talking about love as many . Too big or two small sperm hard two days : Well , all of them . (Sometimes more . Packs , but you can tell ?) , But who knows how well you can swim in a straight line to reach the egg in training " Cum difference between the start of the three modified Benidorm " and "The Ultimate "A lot of people are these two terms will be used interchangeably with , but they are the same material as the sperm are not part of the semen , semen is an enzyme , a protein that helps fructose are included. Strong probability of sperm month : average ejaculation contains sperm billion , that is some fierce competition ! Sperm to fertilize the egg may not be moved : that is, a natural occurrence and the fact that it is not true for fertilizers , sperm penetrate the egg must be able to swim . Half of them talking sperm However, during in vitro fertilization , sperm , so they do not know where to go always go by nonissue 6 sperm directly injected into the egg . He was seventh in the eggs to make the rest of the graffiti , the sperm is healthy for you , you must provide your evening . Live in the human body , the testicles closer to the warmth of the testicles do not need the body seven degrees cooler than the rest of the testes , the average should be cooler than the Boxers Baby! 8 That is why the production process better than panties . Other men and women : women are born with . But all the eggs that she must now people are constantly making new sperm, the sperm cells that can go will take about two months . Complete the ninth from the beginning to the taste of semen to play an important role : the part about oral sex , then you , the two of you . Favor by exercising regularly, maintaining a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is healthy and the sperm and semen taste better with a rich texture to help your partner will have to help you . Red, dairy products , garlic, the taste of the coffee are two kinds of sperm , you will plunge 10 : Yes, the sperm of men and women , men tend to fast , but it is the type of the power of women . Sperm is the end of the war .

'Witching and Bitching’ Horror movie Review

Spanish filmmaker Alex de la Iglesia his black comedy drama 'The Last Circus ' a couple of years with the audience captivated.

He returns this year with ' Witching and bitching , ' They seek refuge in a village Witches when running directly into the mouth of madness male offenders in a group A Tale overhead . The film is an exploration of comedy , sexes of the terrible war in which some but not all approach - kitchen - sink the Church a disservice to the story , told through the lens .

. Witching and bitching , especially the snappy dialogue and a lot to enjoy in the rhythm , and the banter between Witches and thieves " - until the Church and , in the movie the man and woman playing with gender stereotypes eternal , lampooning Joseph unnecessary war , to give her alimony and child support so you can get hurt trying to help some friends follows a single father . , but the involuntary departure of her son to ride and rope brings the driver ( which is soon to become Witting ) , and Zugarramurdi, cannibals ( and seriously crazy ) Witches of an old village inhabited by essential to the fulfillment of the prophecies of these men believed in the tourist group .
To complicate things further , José evolved along with the fate of the film depicts a beautiful young witch in the struggle to accept the choice of destination, Eva , falls for , but to his family , he falls in love with a man who is envious . EVA men have the space for women and men can coexist peacefully, that the idea , which is useless , that taught her strict upbringing , must accommodate .
Church broken off when it already feels like crazy and strange characters that CG is a flashy film somehow representative of a Rogue finds another rail jump in the third act . ' Last Circus ' shows beautiful and colorful images presented here , but the Church is struggling to design a consistent experience . Too many elements and visual ideas collide, and the end result is powerful and far . Is not known for restraint - the - plot mess and CG blurs history and engage Cinematography , abundance of characters , and a long way clash in bad taste , and even the Church is like a hit movie for anyone in search of more material .
Still , the actor Hugo Silva and Carolina Bang is completely absurd, and the Church is committed to the debate , to all intents and purposes , is an action cartoon , the disputes for a living , where the players shows no limitations . It's more like satire , and less like the Looney Tunes ' Witching and bitching ' at its best , but with all the flaws and frills , the film , especially entertaining. There is a line between decadence and excess, definitely , and ' Last Circus ' course first , ' Witching and bitching was unfortunately ended  

"Here Comes the Devil", movie preview

Director : Adrian Garcia Bogliano
Director : Adrian Garcia Bogliano
Adrian Garcia Bogliano
Here Comes the Devil
Here comes the devil is a fantastic story movie.

Director is Adrian Garcia Bogliano.
Adrian Garcia BoglianoA
Adrian Garcia Boglian
Here comes the devil is an upcoming thriller . Near some caves in Tijuana during a wedding in the family , loses her children . Children eventually reappear without explanation , but clearly they have changed them that something terrible , is not used . Good luck and continue to treat the children of the night evil and heinous acts that have lost children , as suggested , change the good fortune to return soon . And loving parents - and their children to care for as a couple in love , caves and hills around the old and half- whispered legends and beliefs to try to protect those who have been becoming very strange .. . And dangerous , no matter how crazy ignored ,

"Wolf Children" Review

"Wolf Children" is very popular to children. Its directer is  Mamoru Hosoda.  

Began his directing career with Mamoru Hosoda Digimon you consider that , then it's the successor to the throne, Miyazaki is considered to be a little surprising . Hososa already almost as remarkable as his previous work , his latest work , the wolf with the children , during the Battle of Summer and the staff as a girl, has produced two spectacular animation . Take a werewolf love story , the real romance is soon dispensed by the tragic and ambiguous situations . It's a mother and her two children , as well as explore the different ways children take their lives in the course of a love story .

Hana would just be a werewolf who falls in love with a stranger, a young woman who is the university . Unlike traditional werewolves , however , you have full control of his powers . The couple have two children , but after the tragic death of the mysterious wolf man , Hana is left alone to raise their children . You are raising two kids were enough along , they lack the ability to control their transformations . As any parent , so their children to keep them safe , they will be limited to strikes , which is with a host of difficult situations , but realizes that holding back . It's a no-win situation , and it is easy to identify .
As children grow , when cooled woods surrounding his home , his younger brother , daughter , his human side leans. The key to success is beautifully drawn characters and see Arches WOLF kids . Through dialogue, the main character 's internal struggle over the image WOLF kids that adapts to a quiet film. Son , Ame, freely running around the forest to cut the mother and her teen showing on the possibility of losing her son captures the experience of pure euphoria Saw. Holding on to your loved ones and leave them in a very strong theme in the constant struggle , and explore all angles Hosoda , handled with a non- judgmental tone .
Environment , child care , and family-centered issues , similar to the My Neighbor Totoro is a film that made ​​a lot of cases . This is both the beauty and the beauty , but the added poignancy that makes it more attractive to a somewhat larger audience . Feeling alive in every shot of every scene with a clarity and attention to detail is vivid with . Fine voice work and writing original language and English , both the visuals serve dubs. A sincere , thoughtful film that is looking for someone, and the patient must be overcome in this instant classic .

Amir khan has no expectation from Dhoom-3

In terms of box office business , but worried about how the public will receive the much awaited film : Aamir Khan says he has no expectations from the upcoming movie Dhoom-3 .
"I have no expectation of Dhoom : .. 3 (on box office collection ) do not think it's as important to the public , should have a good time and I love the film," Aamir said.
" Audience numbers ( box office collection ) is not interested , and still am not interested in it . , Does not matter to me. , I think films should touch the heart "
The actor said. " Movies like Mughal -e- Azam, Pyaasa touched me . , I movies, stories , emotions and think the number should be ," he said .
However, Aamir is worried about the fate of Dhoom : 3, and therefore , has returned to smoking.
"I started smoking again because of a penchant for smoking: .... 3 I had a strict diet, not smoking , and leave it to the last two years , I'm not smoking , eating a lot of food, just as I I did. (Smoking ) wants to leave. want to be healthy. , I will resign as of December 31 , "he said .

Badminton Rules and Information

The rules for playing badminton are:

You win the game before the start of the state regulation badminton draw happens , you can either start or end of the playing court, opponents can choose between providing for the first time . You can then exercise the remaining option .

Scoring System
State regulations require 3 Badminton Tournament . The best games in doubles and men's singles , women's singles first team to score 15 points wins the game , the first team to score 11 points wins the game .

If the score is 14 - ( especially in women's singles , 10 ) , scored 14 of the first side ( 10 ) , the option exercise. 15 ( 11 ) points or carry 17 ( 13 ) points of the game ' set ' it.

The next match of the winner of the first game , it shows that you can add one point to your score .

BWF badminton Competitiveness recently a new scoring 21 points per game and tested all permanently decided to change the old format .

Late changes
The third party in the late 15 games by 11 points or 8 points and six lead changes in the game when the first game is going to have to switch sides with your opponent after finishing the rules of badminton .

Rules of Badminton - Singles
Services and Court
You have to draw the right boxes when you or your opponent . Even number of points scored in the game .
You will need to draw from , and you or your opponent has scored an odd number of points that the game has been serving in the left lane . You and your opponent is a ' fault ' or the shuttle ceases to be in play until it can hurt or shuttle .

Ratings and Service

Get a point and serve again from the alternate service . Your opponent is a ' fault ' or the shuttle makes it touch the surface of the face of the opponent 's court ceases to be in play when .

You are " wrong " or shuttle to move the opponent is the property ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of the court's right when no points are scored .

Rules of Badminton - Doubles

Early in the game , and the time was right for each provider . Services are delivered from the right service court . As the diagonally opposite service will return to its rivals .

Alliance opponents touch or hit the ship , it's " wrong " and they should not score points .

Order of play and position on the field .
After the service provided . Be a stop on the wheel until you or your partner anywhere on the net to their opponent players , then one could be so similar and can hit the shuttle . Game

Ratings and Service

The right to serve or receive in a box on the side of your opponent to start the game the first time, is serving or has scored an even number of points .
It should be left pane works or services . Side or your opponent has scored an odd number of points .
To apply the model of your partner .
In any game , the serve is allowed to send to the server . From the beginning , the first few , then the opponent is going to provide the correct service box . The other two players.
Has served out of turn , receive out of turn , or the ' justice and service delivery in the same game , except as specified receive two consecutive services .

A miscarriage

It has played out of turn when the player has been sentenced to serve justice , the service has been served . As he prepares for wrong or services have been delivered to the wrong court .

If the service is not correct errors in the error is discovered after the service has been provided , the trial continued until after the next service delivery error box . The following rules are to discover .

Both sides make no mistake , this error occurs on one side of the assembly '' to ' ' be won and lost when the error occurs on one side . Crash concentration was not resolved .

Due to an error in the service court of " retirement " to solve the assembly corrected the error with the return , the fire will continue to play the game . Without changing the courts serve a new player .

The rules of badminton consider the following as faults .
- Shuttle lands outside the boundaries of the court , through or under the net , fail to pass the net , touches the ceiling or side walls of the person or dress of a player is touching or touching any other object or person .

- Introduction to the beginning . Side of the front of the net transport ( attack , but the shuttle over the net with a stick during a stroke . ) .

- A player touches the net or racket , person or dress them with the support , as approved by the court on the net with people in the wood or attack an opponent .

- A player disrupt or distract an opponent or an opponent , the opponent is hampered in legal action to prevent the shuttle to the rhythm of the wood or attack opponents with such court under the net . Network

- As a player deliberately shouting or making gestures as if it distracts an opponent by any action .

- Shuttle caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution . Stroke

- Shuttle with two strokes in succession by the same player twice in injury .

- Shuttle consistently hit by a player and the player 's partner or a player 's racket and continues to touch . Players to the back of the court .

- Player continuous play , misconduct , repeated or persistent offenses alleged to have an apparently law .

- Shuttle net and remains suspended or services on the network if the network has stuck .

' A ' game in order to stop the referee or players ( if not the referee ) is called by .

' A ' has an unexpected accident or occurrence.The Badminton ' we ' as the following can be considered to be canceled .
- To catch a shuttle . Net and Net-a " request service or net suspended above remains attached to the record .
- Service and server are both faulted at the same time if a ' goodbye ' to be.
  -Server receiver works before a ' goodbye ' ready to be .
- If during play , the shuttle disintegrates. And the base completely separates from the rest of the shuttle ' can ' be done.
- A line of blind judges , and referees ' make ' can not decide .
- Error box does not count the past service in the court of law , and the error will not serve again , the game brings the ' let ' is also occur after a ' let ' . Effective

If the shuttle is in play .

It strikes the net and remains attached to or hung above the shuttle is not a game .

It strikes the net or post and starts to read the track surface on the side of the net when the shuttle is not in play .

Shuttle or walk the track surface, " " wrong, " or was not in the game .
Game Misconduct Penalty on
The game shall be continued . The first service game of the match to set up 5 minutes between two and three in the first and second period, no more than 90 seconds until it is concluded , except as allowed .